Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Please remember to pray for Jerid, Heather, Brittney and Mandy, Danae, Alex along with Sarah, Matt. Jacob, Bret and Taylor. These are some of the kids I talked with while on the streets in Manti. I know that Jesus will continue to speak to them throughout this next year

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Last night at the pageant!

Well tonight is the last night of the pageant, please lift us up in your prayers that God may use us clay pots to share His truth in love to the Mormon people! It will be exciting to see God work once again, may He be Glorified!! The battle belongs to the Lord!

A view from 10,000 feet

Stuck..not for long

Today its a 100 but not up in the hills!

Nick riding the fence in Manti

What a goat heads star in the kids play area?

10,000 seats to view satans lies

Friday, June 22, 2007

Mark and Terrel at Miller's

Thousands of people! Praise the Lord!

Nick and Mandy

Who is that?

Miller time!

The Nevada boys in full force

ABC World News Tonight talking to Becky

Spiritual junk food?

More worship...

A little worship at Miller's

ABC World News Tonight talking to Jenny

Manti Musings...

Tonight was the busiest night of the pageant so far. The streets were packed with people interacting - Christians and Mormons dialoging about the truth. News cameras were out taking footage and it seemed like people were really open to talking tonight. Everywhere you looked, Christians and Mormons were in serious but friendly discussion.

Nick saw some friends, Mandy and Deanna, that he had made a couple of nights ago and had given a 'Lost Book of Abraham' video to. In addition to catching up, he was able to dialog a bit more with them about the credibility of Joseph Smith. He also had several opportunities to share the Gospel with people. Two brothers, Colin and Braden, great young guys, 15 and 16 respectively, have been raised in the LDS church but have several relatives who have left the church and have witnessed to them. Nick was able to talk to them for about 30 minutes about the differences between the Mormon and Christian concept of the Godhead as well as issues pertaining to salvation. A bit later, a girl named Taylor, who felt a bit alienated by the Mormon church, seemed to be very pleased to hear the truth about Jesus and how we are saved by trusting Him alone for the forgiveness sins. When she left, Taylor seemed excited to read her Bible and further investigate Biblical Christianity. She already knows some people from the Ephraim Bible Church - so please pray that God speaks to her through His Word and that she gets hooked up with some believers from the Ephraim church.

Mark held up the JosephLied.com sign today and was able to talk with a group of 7 or so teenage kids and a returned missionary for about an hour. Praise God for this opportunity to talk to this group about how Joseph lied about the first vision (the Father does not have a body and the Bible says that no one has seen the Father (Jn 1:18, 1 Tim 6:16), therefore the vision could not have gone down like Joseph claims it did), and about the difference between faith and works with respect to salvation. Mark was also able to field a bunch of questions about the different denominations and also how he was able to baptize his daughter Megan as part of God's 'royal priesthood' as opposed to the Aaronic or Melchezedek priesthoods that are recognized in the LDS faith.

Overall, it was a great night with many, many discussions. The truth of God's Word was shared many times over, and it seems that God is definitely working in the hearts of many in the LDS church.

Late night debriefing with youth

Kelly and Jean Sharp, Ex-mormons

Aaron speaking the truth

Shawn confronting a family of Mormons

Larry talking to a Mormon bishop!

Larry and his first big group, help! It got bigger!

Could this be true?

The Golden plate Challenge

Missionaries stayed in the safety of their fence

Worship in the Manti city park

A leap of faith!

Is that a snow Angel? No way!

Snow in June? You bet...

A refreshing water fall up the moutian!